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Philosophy for Lunch - "In Defense of Liberty & Human Dignity"

Thursday, April 15, 2021 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

At a time when democracies across the world are increasingly assailed, one should rightly fear for the future of humanity’s inherent liberties. Economic instability, deep-rooted prejudices, & lack of faith in the status quo are amongst the most prominent drivers of political extremism in any society. This extremism, no matter its ideological coating, has already plunged the globe into bloody wars and established regimes where the human spirit is crushed beneath an oppressive and murderous jackboot. Hannah Arendt, a survivor of the same extremism which dominated much of the world throughout the 20th century, details how human beings can ultimately be the constructors of the very systems which enslave as well as dehumanize not only others, but themselves as well. In this P4L, we shall learn from Arendt's writings, not only about the dangers that forecast the rise of extremism, yet just as well what it implies for the future of democracy in our increasingly divisive yet interconnected societies. *Special Guest: Matthew Murcia


Location: Zoom
Fees: Free and Open to All
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