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Introduction to Cyber-Archaeology by Professor Maurizio Forte, Duke University

Wednesday, February 24, 2021 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

The Archaeological Institute of America and the Center for Heritage and Archaeological Studies, Montclair State University presents Introduction to Cyber-Archaeology by Professor Maurizio Forte, Duke University.

Cyber-archaeology is a branch of archaeological research concerned with the digital simulation of the past. In this context the past is seen as generated by the interaction of multiple scenarios and simulations and by the creation of different digital embodiments. The term also recalls the ecological cybernetics approach, based on the informative modeling of organism-environment relationships. It allows for the formation and validation of scientific theories about archaeological contexts and material cultures. Cyber-archaeology assumes that the past cannot be reconstructed but rather simulated.

Maurizio Forte is a Professor of Classical Studies Art, Art History, and Visual Studies and also the founder of the DIG@Lab (for a digital knowledge of the past) at Duke. His main research topics are digital archaeology, Etruscan and Pre-Roman archaeology, classical archaeology and neuro-archaeology. His primary archaeological research questions concern the development, transformation and decline of ancient cities.

Zoom webinar link: https://montclair.zoom.us/j/85050416581?pwd=VEFXWjRyNUlvR2M2aVVkdFhoczZIUT09
Passcode: 927442

Location: Zoom
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